Money doubling machine
Looking at the abundance in my life (not in terms of financial surplus) people assume that I have lot of money. Some tend to misunderstand when I tell them that I don’t have money to spare, more so when they approach me for a share of the tithe or to borrow some in dire need. To those who listen, I tell them; God has been providing for me because I’m mindful, in little ways, of His Kingdom and His righteousness. House, car, office, and children’s schooling, all these came, noticeably in the absence of sufficient bank balance to look forward to. At the same time, I know I should be mindful of the kingdom not in order that I may have my material needs met. But because I seek something much above what material things can offer (true joy and self actualization in my Creator) these needs of mine become God's business to look after. How wretched I’m if I give tithe in order to feel justified or to receive the double and triple portions God promised to those who give. ...