
Showing posts with the label Pretending to be in chains

Pretending to be in chains

If a man who is set free from chains continues to live as if in chains, what is freedom! Freedom becomes liberation only when we live it. The sacraments cannot do what it is capable of doing, if we do not live the truth it embodies. If baptism freed us from the clutches of sin and restored our sonship, why do we still sin? If Eucharist is the body, blood, soul and divinity of Jesus given to us as his self gift, why despite frequent reception we remain unchanged?. Why despite so many confessions, we have the same laundry list?. Is it because of the inefficacy of the sacraments itself or because we deceive ourselves? Are we not trying to false justify ourselves and experience some kind of a phony make over by queuing up to receive these sacraments? Fact is we do not want to change. We love our sins. We have blinded ourselves and denied us the reality of the ultimate ecstasy we are capable experiencing in union with God. We h...