Speaking lies with our bodies
Our bodies are created to express and communicate God's very nature. The original language of the human body is to be a "self gift" to the other. When our bodies conduct itself in a way that is contrary to God's love, it violates it's own integrity and speak lies. The message, our bodies communicate in the nuptial union between man and woman is "I give myself to you freely, totally, faithfully and fruitfully". But if the union is out side of marriage, the act is incapable of fulfilling these demands and thus their bodies lie to one another. Even within marital relationship when couple use each other for the gratification of their own lustful desires, they speak a lie with their bodies. In sexual union, when the couple, by way of contraception, reject the gift of life - the very reward God grants them for participating in his divine life, they lie with their bodies and declare that God's love is not life giving or fruitful. When Judas betrayed Je...