
Showing posts with the label Vulgar jokes & sacred thoughts

When Pets Eclipse Human Dignity

The rising trend of prioritizing love for Pets over human relationships, reflects a complex mix of social, cultural, and philosophical changes. Some argue that these shifts signal a deeper issue — a movement away from seeing human life as uniquely dignified and intrinsically valuable. This trend has sparked conversations on the concept of "trans-speciesism" and the potential devaluation of human life, where animals and humans are often treated as ethically and morally equivalent. Individualism and the Appeal of Pets Pets, unlike human relationships, require relatively little compromise or emotional vulnerability. They provide affection without placing demands on one’s time, moral responsibility, or deeper personal growth in the same way relationships with people do. This fits well within an individualistic framework that emphasizes self-fulfillment and personal comfort. Relationships with pets are less likely to involve the complexities or sacrifices that human relationships

Vulgar jokes & sacred thoughts

Vulgar jokes are a fad among the young. The adolescent years are crucial years of formation. Most youngsetrs give into the temptation to convene around smutty jokes as a way to "fit in" with the majority. Often, the jokes that garner the most attention are the ones in which men and women are referred to as mere sex objects to be used. At the end, the sacred gift of human sexuality is treated with humour and a lack of due respect. The word of God  says "Let there be no filthiness, nor silly talk, nor levity, which are not fitting; but instead let there be thanksgiving". Ephesians 5:4 It is good to ask why a sacred subject like human sexuality becomes a public joke. The sensual and the sexual have traditionally been private matters. The privacy attached to these topics is not unintentional. What is holy needs to be veiled and protected because it is so priceless and sacred. We cannot afford to violate its sacredness or desecrate its holiness. But when a culture loses