
Showing posts from October, 2014

Do not be Hopeless

Marriage is losing its sacredness and sacramental value. It is fast becoming a social event, a mere arrangement for better economical viability. Money rules lives and all life’s decisions. Families are losing their relevance. Children with diseases are quietly terminated in the womb, and outside the womb. People are hoping to custom design their kids! The letter ‘s’ next to the word ‘kid’ will soon be considered a violation of human rights. Money rules lives and all life’s decisions. Our lives as well are reeling under a strategic move by those who uphold the culture of death. We too have become helpless victims of consumerism. Quality of life today is determined by seeing what our neighbor has that we don’t have. We are being trained to think that ‘our worth’ is something that needs to be purchased at any cost. We are being deceived. We have become mere ‘toys’ in the hands of the few. Our precious lives are now considered as ‘products’ for the few to multiply their money. Our ignor...

Eternal Life for All

Eternal Life is to share in the divine life of God. Whoever follows the will of God has eternal life. The will of God is that we believe in the one God sent into the world to save human race - Jesus Christ. If you believe in Jesus Christ, you will love Him. Those who love Him obey His commandments. In order to obey His commandments, we need God's Grace and the power of the Holy Spirit. The grace and the power of the Holy Spirit that are required to live a life according to the statutes of God are granted in Sacraments of the Church. Sacraments become effective when we receive them worthily. Sincere repentance makes us worthy. Sincere repentance is a combination of the knowledge of the gravity of one’s own sinfulness and true humility. Remember guilt comes from pride. We seek to be justified by the good works we do. But our good works blind us from the reality of our sinfulness and unworthiness. Good works we render are the ‘work of God’. When we take ownership of our good works,...

Drugs and the right to have Life

Drug abuse is the denial of our fundamental right to have life. And those who are involved in the business of providing drugs to people, especially little children, are either ignorant of the gravity of damage they are causing or they are simply blinded by the false hope money gives. We know that our body is sacred and the Triune God dwells there. Our body is not a prison or a useless shell from which we must escape from, as some believe. But instead it is a sacrament that manifests the invisible mysteries of God. We see the true beauty of the human body on the cross, in mother Mary and in the lives of Saints. We believe in the glorious resurrection of our bodies just as Christ experienced it. Yes, it is in the same body with which we are going to spend eternity in union with God. The human body is sacred and priceless. Man’s rejection of God (Original Sin) has caused human lives to become treacherous and painful. But God out of mercy and love towards His own suffering children se...