
Showing posts with the label The invisible rope of faith

The invisible rope of faith

I often prayed, Lord please let me experience pleasure that is greater than the pleasure of sin that I might not succumb to what is temporary and detrimental, but seek to satisfy me with what is supremely pleasurable and eternal. I now understand the folly and the impudence of that statement (prayer) which denied my own strength in Christ and challenged the nature of God itself. Imagine ourselves to be in a deep pit filled with dung and we are wading in it; some deep inside,  some neck deep , some barely avoiding the top layer holding on to some twig by the wall, others attempting climb up in vain, yet few others strenuously yet joyfully climbing up, holding on to an invisible rope (of faith) as though with some special power (grace). This invisible rope, yet visible though the eye of faith, is the path of salvation Christ lowered for us into the pit after breaking open the door which sealed the pit and separated us from what was Divine. The light has come in...