The Three Stages of the Spiritual Life

The journey toward God is like climbing a mountain: challenging, humbling, and breathtakingly beautiful. The Catholic tradition has long described this ascent in three stages—the Purgative, the Illuminative, and the Unitive. These stages aren’t rigid steps; they’re more like seasons of the soul, each drawing us closer to the heart of God. Let’s explore these stages together, not just as lofty ideas but as the lived experience of anyone seeking holiness. 1. The Purgative Stage: Leaving the Old Behind We all start somewhere, and more often than not, it’s messy. The Purgative stage is where we wake up to the reality of sin in our lives and begin the hard work of turning away from it. It’s a season of repentance, a time to clear out the clutter that keeps us from hearing God’s voice. Does this stage hurt? Absolutely. But it’s the kind of hurt that heals. Like pulling a thorn from your foot, it stings at first, but soon you’re walking freer and lighter. St. John of the Cross describes this...