
Showing posts with the label The Heart


Heart is the innermost recess of a man where he meets with himself and God. Man cannot understand one without the other. His understanding of himself will be obscure and distorted if his understanding of God is obscure. And he will not fathom God without understanding first, himself. Heart is where convictions are formulated. The "condition" of our heart defines them. A wounded heart will not be able to make a true and complete assumption concerning anything. It lacks the fullness of love to understand the truth. Heart that needs forgiveness cannot love until it is healed in the light of pure love. Our past experiences, beginning from original sin contribute to our brokenness. Only pure love can heal it. Not human love but the love of the one whose love is eternal, unchanging and unconditional. It is Gods love. It is the pure honey found in the rock. Only God can remove the bitterness within. Truth and Love is insepar...