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Dealing with my body

I follow the passions and desires of my body because Christ crucified does not become a reality in me. When I embrace Christ crucified and kiss the five holy wounds, I pledge to die to the deadly lures of the world and of the body. My body is mortal and temporal. I must not strive to gratify it's desires. Every time I replace one of these desires with a holy sacrifice, for the sake of Christ crucified, I glorify Jesus in my mortal body. Christ has no body, no hands, no feet, but mine. I must therefore do good and harbor no evil thoughts, deeds or projects within. Kiss the ground and embrace the holy wounds of Christ, in times of temptations. Holy Mother of God, the abode of purity, extends to us, a great deal of grace, through Jesus, her son, to overcome occasions of sin. I must deal with my body as if I would with my dog. Tame it. Give it what it really needs and not more. We don't let the dog control us. Instead we decide for them and they obey. We are their masters, howe...