
Showing posts with the label Birth control a deeper reflection

Birth control, a deeper reflection

These days, the common thoughts that troubles any married people are the likes below: Is this relationship worth? Will this marriage work? I'm I not risking my future committing to be with this man /woman- forever? Should I sacrifice my career, freedom, well being and all that just to have babies? Second kid? More kids!!!? I can’t manage even the only one I have. Everything seems to fall apart. How can I save my marriage? Is this is my fate. Will I have to live my whole life in misery. Have I become a burden? Can I ever be a good dad or husband? Will I be able to make enough money to meet the rising expenses? The list is endless… If we closely analyze these worries, we will begin to see the following. We have assumed that it is tough to make marriages work. Success in marriage is no longer looked upon as the success of the “fruitfulness of marriage” but individual success - where success is defined by the amount of money and position one is earns in a life time...