A desperate pursuit
I have realized, my life is nothing but an aimless pursuit to fulfill some vague priorities. My list of priorities are endless and are based on nothing fundamental. They are what I have assumed to be worth pursuing, looking at the patterns that works for others coupled with some sincere advice from people close to me. Some times at the end of the day, there is a partial sense of achievement but mostly despair being unable to meet these targets. But on the whole, life is a drudgery. It is a burden. But things took on a new meaning when I looked to the Truth. Jesus said He is the Truth. And since nobody else has claimed the same, I think it is sensible enough to listen to what He has to say. He said his only priority is doing the will of His father. And he repeatedly points out that I also need to have only one priority that is to allow God to work in me. So is this what he meant when he said, seek ye first the kingdom of God and everything else will be added unto you. I think it i...