
Showing posts with the label Ash on my forehead

Ash on my forehead

May I humbly refuse you, dear satan, for I have found something way better, sweeter and permanent than the pleasure of sin. May I humbly refuse your demands, cravings and what sounds like your rights dear body, for what you really need is food that gives eternal life. The Lord surely is debugging certain serious anomalies inside of me. I wouldn't have realized so grave a  "weakness" with in, if I had not denied my body, the generous supplies. It growls, shouts, rolls on the ground, for a fill. I grow in phony compassion towards what looks like it's genuine plea to sustain. Hey! It is Jesus who gives you life to the fullness. "Do not work for food that goes bad, but work for food that endures for eternal life, which the Son of man will give you, for on him the Father, God himself, has set his seal." [John 6:27] Fasting is a process of truly becoming aware of my body, mind and soul but most essentially body. It's abou...