
Showing posts from September, 2011


Mortification is the disciplining of the body and it's appetites by self-denial. It is a conscious effort to free our “will” from the natural inclinations of the body & mind in order to align it with the "supreme will of God". It is not an act of doing penance; seeking to “justify”ourselves, for no work of ours is sufficient to repair the inequities we have committed against God, except the perfect sacrifice offered on the cross by Jesus. We repeat with great desire “thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven” many times a day. Yet it remains just a desire, unless we act with “deeds” to prove our sincerity to that desire. As a young soldier submitting himself to rigorous training before being put into combat, we must train ourselves, cooperating with the work of the Holy Spirit with in us, to rise above our fallen nature. These deeds are not to be flaunted in the presence of men but to remain exposed only to us and to our Lord. God supplie...

Intoxication of knowledge

Deliver us God, from the intoxication of knowledge for we know even at the peak of great learning, there is room for us to die to what we have learned and be open to a much greater knowledge. Yet, oh God, greatest of our knowledge remains a tiny little drop in the ocean of thy omniscience. The Holy Scriptures lead us into the hidden mysteries of God. Yet not all who diligently study them are lead into the fullness of Truth. It is because the written word [scriptures] does not exhaust the reality of the Word of God [Christ]. John in his gospel quotes Jesus saying "You search the scriptures, thinking that in them you will find life; yet scripture bears witness to me. Yet you refuse to come to me that you may have life"  [5:39-40] We must approach the scriptures in the light of the same experience of those who witnessed Jesus one-to-one [Body, blood, soul and divinity]. In his first epistle, John narrates his experience “That which was from the beg...

Skin deep!

How beautiful it would be if all of us wore cloths such a way that the "gaze of the onlooker" remains naturally on our face. One who gazes the face is able to see  and  recognize  far more than what meets the eye. Face is the window into the whole inner reality of a person . On the contrary, if cloths make the onlooker gaze everywhere else [except the face], it tragically limits his perception "skin deep" and is being tripped into the vice of commoditizing (utilizing) the  person for the gratification of lust and sensual entertainment. Lust is the chewed up residue of "man's innate desire to give himself as a gift to the other" devoid of Love [God] or in other words, it is Eros minus Agape. How unaware we are of the imminent danger of immodest dressing. The ready-made garment industry has  literally robbed us of our freedom to wear cloths of our choice. In the name of convenience we are forced to wear cloths that are designed wi...

Being a child of God

Jesus came not only to save us but also to make us children of God. It is a comforting "status" any human can rightly assume or be. But the danger of limiting God-Man relationship to only father-child dimension” truncates the expanse we are capable of treading as children into the reality of God the father. It is so because we reduce this relationship to our own understanding of a father-child relationship. In a typical human experience, the father [biological father] does not have the right, capacity or the gift to decide the destiny of his child [heaven or hell] however intimate their relationship may be. In our relationship with God as our father, we must not forget that God the father also is our judge who will decide our eternal destiny.[Mathew 10:28] In the movie “Chronicles of Narnia” Jesus is portrayed as an untamed lion [Lion of Judah]. Yet we see the children grow into a relationship with the Lion [Jesus] as intimate as that of a child to the father. This father...