The Uninvited Intruder

Imagine one day discovering that some of the possessions in your household—items you have used, cherished, or even displayed with pride—did not rightfully belong to you. Perhaps they were mistakenly or even unlawfully acquired. What would you do? Keep them, discard them, or return them to their rightful owner? This dilemma mirrors our relationship with sin, especially habitual sin. Sin often begins as something external, introduced through temptation, circumstances, or even the influence of others. Over time, it creeps into our hearts like a leech, attaching itself to our very identity. Though it eats away at us, we might grow accustomed to it, even enjoying its fleeting pleasures, unaware of its destructive power. How do we respond when we finally recognize this "intruder" for what it is? Let us explore this spiritual struggle through Scripture and the wisdom of the Church. The Nature of Sin: An Intruder in the Soul Sin, in its essence, is a violation of the divine order—a r...