
Yoked to Jesus

“Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden light.” †  Mathew 11: 28-30  What is the labour and burden that Jesus is asking me to deal with? Perhaps I have to let go of the compulsive burden (or is it a sort of entitlement?) that my spouse and children should choose a spiritual path that I know to be right. Jesus accompanied Judas Iscariot to the very end but never deprived him of his freedom to choose his own destiny. Jesus on the other hand, uninterrupted by Judas's choice to reject him, continues to accomplish his mission. He does become a victim of Judas's betrayal but he seldom takes on the victim's identity. In divine wisdom, Jesus chooses to die in our place (and that of Judas) in a redeeming act of love. Rather than being compelled to fix those whom God has entrusted to my headship by m

Cup of water

Jesus said "whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me". In another situation He said "a cup of water given to the other in my name will not go unrewarded". My doing and giving should be independent of what I intend receive from that act.  Every good deed done is duly acknowledged by God. But better is when I render a good deed to the other, purely because he or she belongs to Christ , just as I'm one. I may do a good deed for the kick it offers. A good yard stick to gauge my motive is to check on my response when a deed is misunderstood and reciprocated with total ingratitude. Irritation is easy to come by if my intention is not independent of the feel good it offers. The expression "give happily" assumes new meaning in this context. My happiness and consolation is not to be derived directly from what I have done but purely from the joy of having served Christ in my neighbor. This is probably why Mother Te

Human dimension of Wisdom

Wisdom is superior to knowledge. Wisdom is at the disposal of all despite our intellectual capabilities. Wisdom is free for all those who seek. Wisdom is a share in God’s knowledge. And since God is love, His knowledge has inter human relationships and human-divine relationship pivotal to it. Any intelligence, knowledge or expertise becomes environment, human and God friendly when it is founded on Wisdom. Wisdom is what we require to mend human lives and relationships. Intelligence and knowledge deal with human only as bio-mechanical system. But wisdom deals with human as a "son" created in the image and character of God. Wisdom is comes from a constant relationship with God. Wisdom is the gift of the Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit guides us to the depth of God’s eternal knowledge. Wisdom belongs to the one who submit his will completely to God and present himself as an empty jar, even as his intelligence and knowledge super abound. Relate to God consistently despite failu

The wisdom of seeking Wisdom

A genius has intelligence, expert has wealth of experience. But the wise has Wisdom. Intelligence is the capacity to process Knowledge. Knowledge is the processed data. But Wisdom is God’s counsel freely available to all mankind.  Wisdom is superior as it not only deals with issues of life here but also the life to come. It has a salvific dimension too. Experiential knowledge can be built on old wisdom but better is the wisdom of "now".  Every human related problem, even when the situations are identical, requires unique solutions. Wisdom offers t his unique and ever new solution and addresses the problem "wholly". Wisdom knows all parties involved in the problem and thus able to offer unique, holistic and integrated solution. These solutions not only work but also build the individual.  Wisdom is a share in God’s knowledge. Ask and you shall receive. Seek and you shall find. Knock and the door shall be opened unto you

Pain in vain

All of us have our share of pain and suffering which steals the joy, out of our lives. Most often these sufferings are nothing but consequence of the lack of prudence or Wisdom . Wisdom is the counsel, God grants us freely, in order to make the right decisions and effectively execute tasks that are before us. The diverse and complex work schedules, all of us traverse through, leaves us frustrated with unsettled problems to tackle at the end of each day. Problems like being misunderstood, favoritism at work etc are a few in this endless list. We carry the resultant frustration with us and transfer it to people who come in contact with us. They take the brunt of our mistakes. These issues grow in size and depth and manifest in malicious ways and cripple lives. God’s wisdom offers to settle all loose ends on a daily basis. He also helps us to formulate strategies, to tackle future tasks. Wisdom surpasses all conventional human understanding. Wisdom can be acquired by way of a daily s

The change we all desire

All of us, at some point in our lives, negate a strong inclination from within to change. To change the way we behave in specific situations. This includes how we react to certain situations, questionable ways we operate to fulfill some of our unspecific desires, Certain passions at work in us that give rise to actions that we are not truly comfortable with etc. This desire to change is a positive drive and a default mechanism within man that operates as result of our original goodness. All of us are inherently good. At the same time we are also the result of the situations we have gone through, our circumstances, certain traits that is passed down to us from our parents and grandparents. The usual tendency is to live with these anomalies and get used to it so much that we fail to differentiate what is innate from what is acquired. All of us, at any point of time can change. The process of change begins with an awareness that I need to change. The challenge is to take this awarene

Time travel

Get on board with me to a time travel, back to the beginning of creation. No life anywhere. All is barren! You and I  are now, a thrusting desire and a long cherished dream in Gods heart. He runs his fingers through the innumerable planets floating in the galaxy and looks at earth with favour.  He foresees in His infinite mindscape, man and generations of mankind, molded truly after him, cohabit in eternal union with him. Like an architect gearing up to build his masterpiece, God sets out. But pauses, stricken by a vital thought, having to create lavish paraphernalia for the one to come. He is lulled by ideas of trees and fruits, birds and the sky, abundance of water teaming with fish, mountains capped with snow, animals of all kind, sun to light up the earth, night to rest, stars to shimmer at night and moon to keep watch while his children sleep.   I will soak them in love and pamper them with my presence; they are my only priority, he thought to himself. Five days of elaborate

Unwavering focus

We get distracted and stray away if we have a wavering focus. Instead if we have a single focus in mind, for life, every situation, be it negative or positive, will be a stepping stone, to inch closer to that focus. This is independent of what happens to us and around us. For a Christian, our life's focus is union with Christ . This begins here on earth and culminates gloriously in eternal life. Wrong focus is like wearing a dark glass and forgetting it is there. Everything looks dark and we presume the darkness to be normal and stray away. Suppose ones focus is to create wealth. Every person, situation, opportunities that comes his way, will be used to achieve his focus. In the process, he fail to  attend to the focus of others. But if our focus is Christ, we will create wealth and  still focus on Christ. This enables us to share, empower, create opportunities for others to grow and thus draw closer to our focus. And at the same time, enjoy a great deal of the providence of G