Yoked to Jesus

“Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden light.” †  Mathew 11: 28-30  What is the labour and burden that Jesus is asking me to deal with? Perhaps I have to let go of the compulsive burden (or is it a sort of entitlement?) that my spouse and children should choose a spiritual path that I know to be right. Jesus accompanied Judas Iscariot to the very end but never deprived him of his freedom to choose his own destiny. Jesus on the other hand, uninterrupted by Judas's choice to reject him, continues to accomplish his mission. He does become a victim of Judas's betrayal but he seldom takes on the victim's identity. In divine wisdom, Jesus chooses to die in our place (and that of Judas) in a redeeming act of love. Rather than being compelled to fix those whom God has entrusted to my headship by m

Sun of God

Imagine a life with no sun to light up our lives. Day and night does not make any difference. We grope in darkness with out a clue. We meet the wrong people, pick the wrong stuff, drink and eat wrong things. No imagination, no beauty, no colour what so ever. Our ultimate inventions are torch lights to powerful mercury lights and probably some instruments devised to navigate in darkness affordable only to the elite.

We get used to this darkness and this way of life with only diminished man made lights at our disposal. Everyone is convinced that this is The life and it is not logical to expect anything beyond this. The few who dare to foretell the possibility of an ultimate light are put to death by intellectuals. Some altered their eyes to extend the brains for increased grasp.

Imagine, one morning, Sun comes on in sheer brilliance and lights up the world!. What a shock and a surprise it would be for us to discover that one man had just turned on a switch and the mighty Sun lit up. And that this switch was deceitfully hidden from our access. And it existed all through these years. What a tragedy!. An era of deception exposed. We realize, we have been completely deceived by  the enemy in the absence of true light

Jesus said, I'm the Light of the World. If the light of Jesus is not in us, we are groping in pitch darkness. Without Him, we spend our life time only to own useless torches which fade out in no time. We assume we have made it but at the end wake up to sadly realize that we are deceived by the enemy. And are at a point where there is no undo.

Switch on the mighty sun of God and let Him shine our lives that we might see.


  1. :-) Indeed a tragedy of our times, we loose sight of the real son to be dazzled by the artificial "lights of this world and we think that is the ultimate prizes that we can get. The promised light slips into the forgotten recesses of our memories. And slowly it ceases to be even a distant memory.

    I wish I could keep the promise of the light of the world always in front of me so that I may never be attracted by the Lights of this world and know and use them as temporary aids that they are for navigating through this life, instead of them becoming the ultimate prizes of this life....

    Thanks jacob for the beautiful thoughts


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