Yoked to Jesus

“Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden light.” †  Mathew 11: 28-30  What is the labour and burden that Jesus is asking me to deal with? Perhaps I have to let go of the compulsive burden (or is it a sort of entitlement?) that my spouse and children should choose a spiritual path that I know to be right. Jesus accompanied Judas Iscariot to the very end but never deprived him of his freedom to choose his own destiny. Jesus on the other hand, uninterrupted by Judas's choice to reject him, continues to accomplish his mission. He does become a victim of Judas's betrayal but he seldom takes on the victim's identity. In divine wisdom, Jesus chooses to die in our place (and that of Judas) in a redeeming act of love. Rather than being compelled to fix those whom God has entrusted to my headship by m

The supernatural software

If Christ and Christianity could be reduced to a word, that would be “Love”.

God has a system installed which takes care of all the day to today processes concerning our lives, all living and non living things and the planets. God, like we tend to assume, is not busy dealing with innumerable issues at all time. The system takes care of it. Sun rising, Birth of babies, Consequence of bad deeds, blessings, giving grace, recording even the tiniest good we do, warning men of the impeding danger, hair falling etc are all executed and updated promptly in this supernatural software. The latest system He established was the “Process of Salvation for all mankind” by sacrificing Himself on the cross.

So then what is God doing, if all these processes are automated? The answer is “He is Loving”. This is precisely why His love is new every morning. His love is ever renewing and is ever growing. This love that binds the Trinity is extended to each of us. Tapping into this love is what the great saints referred to as the mystical union between man and God. This is the union that God is longing for and we are capable of (in Jesus)

Jesus, be my spouse and my mentor.


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