Yoked to Jesus

“Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden light.” †  Mathew 11: 28-30  What is the labour and burden that Jesus is asking me to deal with? Perhaps I have to let go of the compulsive burden (or is it a sort of entitlement?) that my spouse and children should choose a spiritual path that I know to be right. Jesus accompanied Judas Iscariot to the very end but never deprived him of his freedom to choose his own destiny. Jesus on the other hand, uninterrupted by Judas's choice to reject him, continues to accomplish his mission. He does become a victim of Judas's betrayal but he seldom takes on the victim's identity. In divine wisdom, Jesus chooses to die in our place (and that of Judas) in a redeeming act of love. Rather than being compelled to fix those whom God has entrusted to my headship by m

Heal, Restore and Rehabilitate

Christ offers healing, restoration and rehabilitation of our body, mind and soul. He will bring it to perfection when He returns in Glory to take us home.

Jesus, the Son of God, became like one of us, except in sin. He took our brokenness, sicknesses and sinfulness upon himself and gave us his perfect body in exchange. He distributes the merit of the the finished work on the cross through the sacraments, especially the Eucharist and Reconciliation - healing, restoring and rehabilitating us. Christ comes to dwell in us. And thus we can say:

It’s no longer I, but Jesus who lives in me. He Heals me, Restores me and Rehabilitates me

During the last supper, breaking the bread, Jesus said, this is my body given up for you, take and eat it. He did the same with his blood. Jesus reminded us that He is the bread from heaven. His is the blood that will be poured out for the remission of our sins. He chose to let his body be mutilated for our sake so that we can be healthy and free from sickness. 

Events that take place around us and the disasters we see in the nature are proportional to the sin that exists in the world. "Change" in human souls, positively or negatively influences the environment and the turn of events. We have been given authority over the nature and all it has. We decide how we want the nature to treat us. The bible says The creation is groaning and is waiting for its redemption along with us [Rom 8:22]

But when man through the gift of faith, believe with his whole heart and accept Jesus the restorer unconditionally, he allows Jesus to transform him by the renewal of his mind [Rom 12:2]. We will then have the mind of Christ [1 Corinthians 2:16]. And thus we can say:

It’s no longer I, but Jesus who lives in me. He Heals me, Restores me and Rehabilitates me

If our heart is not healthy, doubt no longer. Believe that Jesus took your diseased heart and gave his wholesome body in the Eucharistic bread. Don’t we know it is sins that lead to sickness? As we know Jesus’s body knows no sin. No sickness can ever enter His body. We must believe that our heart is now restored and it beats perfectly. Because:

It’s no longer I, but Jesus who lives in me. He Heals me, Restores me and Rehabilitates me

After recieving the Body and Blood of Jesus at the Holy Mass, It should be Jesus himself who walks out of the Church, not me, cause it is:

It’s no longer I, but Jesus who lives in me. He Heals me, Restores me and Rehabilitates me

No event or situation, however worst, harmful, or powerful can do anything to change the course of our life, the divine destiny Jesus has marked out for me, by pouring out his precious blood and paying every single debt the accuser could use against us. We must believe without doubt that this is true. We must not believe in any lie that is contradictory to this Truth. Thus we boldly say:

It’s no longer I, but Jesus who lives in me. He Heals me, Restores me and Rehabilitates me


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